Sonic Quiver Showreel - music by ken miller

Space Flight - music by ken miller

The latest 4D IMAX movie that Ken scored for MacGillivray Freeman Films. The movie takes riders on an incredible journey through time from the start of the universe with the big bang almost 14 billion years ago; to the creation of stars, planets, and galaxies; to life on Earth from the earliest lifeforms to the dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, and eventually, humans.  Ultimately, you’ll see what we’ve been able to achieve during our cosmically brief 2 million years of existence.


Ken Miller Composer

Ilya Shpilberg - violin

Cedra Kuehn - Cello

Steve Sundberg - Recording Engineer

Sonic Quiver - Publisher

Ken's music/score for the Michal Venera 2022 FOTO reel.

Ken's music on the latest trailer from MacGillivray Freeman Films.

"Ireland" - Narrated by Liam Neeson

See "Ireland" at your nearest IMAX Theater!

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